Hybrid: Pastel Painting— Personal Expression Through Exploration, with Betsy Payne Cook
Presented by the Cultural Center of Cape Cod on six Tuesdays, beginning May 31, 2-4:30pm. There will be no class on June 7. Weeks 1,3, 6 are on Zoom- Focus on demonstration and class exercises with some painting time. Weeks 2,4,5 are hybrid: In-person at the Cultural Center or option of Zoom for those that can’t attend live –Focus on applying info from the previous week’s demo, instructor critique, and individual painting time with feedback. This course expands on the exploration of pastels and multi-media materials. Attendance in previous sessions is not necessary to enjoy these classes. In this session students will identify a theme of their choosing to develop a plan for personal expression. Lessons will promote choices in pastel palettes, and traditional and contemporary techniques in drawing and painting, including strong composition choices. Students will be using grey toned paper and either black & white charcoal pencils or China markers for value and notan studies. There will be options to use various pastel papers and supports for themes, incorporating multi-media if desired. Tips from sessions 2 & 3 will be revisited. Visit the Cultural Center’s website for information on their COVID policy. $240/$210 for members. Register at www.cultural-center.org or call 508-394-7100. The Cultural Center is located at 307 Old Main Street in South Yarmouth.
Date and Time
Tuesday May 31, 2022
2:00 PM - 4:30 PM EDT
Beginning on May 31, 2-4:30pm
Weeks 1,3, 6 are on Zoom then weeks 2,4,5 are hybrid: In-person at the Cultural Center or option of Zoom
$240/$210 for members
Contact Information
Register at www.cultural-center.org or call 508-394-7100