West Yarmouth Congregational Church United Church of Christ



About Us

West Yarmouth Congregational Church has been part of the community for over 200 years. Our sanctuary and the adjoining Cooper Parish Center are located at 383 Route 28 in West Yarmouth. We are an active and vital congregation that is a member of the United Church of Christ. We strive to be an open and welcoming church where all can come and seek the Lord. We are active in the local community through the work of our missions committee. We support many local non-profits with both our time and our treasure. We also host many community events year round including Soup Suppers, Lobster Roll Lunches, our Annual Yard sale in June and our Christmas Fair in December. We are also well known locally for our Pumpkin Patch.

Printed courtesy of www.yarmouthcapecod.com – Contact the Yarmouth Chamber of Commerce for more information.
P.O. Box 479, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 – (508) 778-1008 – director@yarmouthcapecod.com