Annual Fall Bulb Sale
ATTENTION GARDENERS! The Yarmouth Port Library's Annual Bulb Sale is now underway and it couldn't be easier to order the bulbs to add to the beauty of your garden. The catalog is ONLINE ONLY. Choose from over 60 high quality and guaranteed to grow catalog items. All purchased items come with detailed bulb information for successful planting. Orders will be mailed to you in time for fall planting. Go to the YP library website at and look under Events for more information and the link to the online catalog. The library will receive 50% from every bulb purchase. Yarmouth Port is a privately funded library but open to the public so your order will help support their mission to bring current and meaningful resources to library patrons and the community.

Date and Time
Sunday Jul 30, 2023
July 15-October 15
Online Ordering
No Admission
Contact Information
Yarmouth Port Library
Send Email