Cape Cod Hydrangea Fest
The Cape Cod Hydrangea Festival is an annual cape-wide celebration of the region's blue, pink, and white signature flowers and everything gardens on Cape Cod! This ten-day festival's main attractions are the daily tours of private gardens, each designed and maintained by the individual homeowners and carrying a unique charm. You are sure to enjoy such eclectic spaces, not to mention the good feeling of supporting a variety of local nonprofits which will benefit from the proceeds of each tour. Garden tours are $5 per person per garden. You can pay cash at each garden on the day of the garden tour. Each garden is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and only on the days specified. All garden tours are rain or shine and nonrefundable. *** = Different prices apply. Visit for more information.

Date and Time
Friday Jul 7, 2023 Sunday Jul 16, 2023