Cape Cod Pirate Festival
Check out the third Annual Cape Cod Pirate Festival! 4 STAGES of entertainment offer Swashbuckling Adventure! Rollicking Music, Stormy Shanties, and Buccaneers Galore!
Try your hand at New World Games AXE and KNIFE THROWING, or ride the human powered rides!
Raise a pint, me hearties, in Old Tom’s Tavern with yer best mates and winsome wenches! Where better for bonnie lads and lasses to mix and mingle?
Cast a gander the wares of local and far a' sea vendors as they show off fine crafted wares to satisfy the tastes of the most discriminating corsair.
Attend with your best mates or bring the entire family as there will be entertainment, games and shows for pirates of all ages!

Date and Time
Saturday Jun 3, 2023
10:30 AM - 5:30 PM EDT
June 3rd
10:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Yarmouth Fairgrounds
669 Route 28
West Yarmouth, MA 02673
See website