Ribbon Cutting Ceremony: St. David’s Episcopal Church
Join us for a ribbon-cutting ceremony and reception at St. David’s Episcopal Church on Thursday, June 1st at 10:15 AM in front of their Thrift Shop. YCC will assist with the ribbon-cutting ceremony at 10:15 AM and then all are welcome to stay for a reception and refreshments!
St. David’s offers care for the body through our monthly Takeaway Meal and Paper Pantry, Thrift Shop, Food Cards, and Hands for Hope Food Pantry. We also house affordable childcare on weekdays - for infants through age 5. They offer care for the soul through Sunday and Wednesday worship services, weekly AA, NA, and Al-Anon Meetings, monthly House Church gatherings, and spiritual formation offerings for children and adults throughout the year.
Learn more here: https://www.stdavidscapecod.org
FREE but please RSVP!

Date and Time
Thursday Jun 1, 2023
10:15 AM - 11:15 AM EDT
Thursday, June 1st
10:15 AM - 11:15 AM
St. David's Episcopal Church
205 Old Main Street
South Yarmouth, MA 02664
FREE but please RSVP!
Contact Information
Phone: 508-778-1008
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